skydive, Tandem 22 Mar 2018 TANDEM Skydiving isn’t a team sport, is it?! Is it better to skydive alone or with friends?! As a tandem skydiving student (that means you haven't ever skydived… Jude Wilson
Charity, skydive, Tandem Charity skydiving event day success 22 Mar 2018 Does raising funds for charity make skydiving even better? Well, we know skydiving is a fulfilling experience, and we keep going on about how great it is... a special,… Jude Wilson
AFF, skydive, Tandem, Vouchers 07 Mar 2018 Whats it like to Skydive? What happens when you skydive out of the plane? This is such a difficult sensation over load to put into… Jude Wilson
Promotions, skydive Mothers Day sky dive experience 07 Mar 2018 Does it matter where you skydive? One of the less talked about parts of skydiving is the sensational ride under canopy. Yeah, the 150 mph free… Jude Wilson