Every year on the first weekend of May we have our annual 4 way FS competition, Scrambles. The contest is held over the Saturday and Sunday ending in our annual Hangar party on Sunday night.
Scrambles is open to any one who has an at least an A license. Teams are divided randomly into A B C and D license holders to keep it as fair as possible. Last year saw 12 teams compete being our most popular year to date.
Our national UK 4-way FS team Raykipo come and help out for the entire weekend also. The Friday before the team members, Hari Ganapathy, Katy Saxby and Michael Roberts offer coaching to anyone ranging from FS1 dives to 1 on 1 and on the weekend join the teams as captains offering there expertise.
Prices for Scrambles are £100 or £148 if you are borrowing kit. This price covers your 4 jumps and the cost of your team’s cameraman. At the end of the night we have our prize presentation and Themed hangar party with live music.