August 16, 2017 Jude Wilson

Tandem Skydiving with UK Parachuting

This form of skydiving has been around since the 80’s. Because most people only jump once to check it off of the bucket list, tandem skydiving is the most popular way to experience the world of skydiving. It involves a student who is connected to a specially certified tandem instructor. The pair jump together, often with a videographer to document the event. The instructor deploys a parachute that is specially designed to handle the weight of two skydivers.

To make a tandem skydive at UK Parachuting, one must:

  • Be at least 16 years of age, with parental consent.
  • Weight restrictions are 17 stone for males and 15 stone for females. (Contact us for questions about the weight limit.)
  • Wear sneakers or sport shoes- no sandals, boots, or shoes with heels
  • Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing (Read more about what to wear skydiving)
  • Remove all loose items, such as any jewelry and accessories, and be sure to empty out your pockets.
  • Plan on being at the drop zone for at least 2/3 hours
  • Be sure to not have any alcohol in your system when you arrive at the drop zone.
  • Keep all pets on a lead.