PoetsIN Charity Tandem Skydive
The Creative Mental Health Charity, PoetsIN is a charity created for people struggling with their mental health by people who have struggled with theirs.
They are a medium sized charity in their 4th year providing swift mental health and wellbeing support services through a variety of creative mental health programmes, designed specifically to help those struggling with mental illness by providing tools to reduce the symptoms of mental illness.
They support, empower and connect with people of all ages through in-person and video workshops, an online community and online buddy service. 99% of service users have reported an improvement in their mental health, 99% of service users have reported a reduction of the symptoms of anxiety and depression, and 100% report a reduction in stress.
Your donation will help the charity support those in need across the country by providing tools to manage their wellbeing – in the workplace, in schools, at home, 24 hours a day, every day.
Thank you for your support. Find out more at www.poetsin.com