Join Magpas Air Ambulance for a charity skydive on the 10th Sep 2022 at UK Parachuting Sibson.
Magpas Air Ambulance give the very best pre-hospital emergency care, in the air or on land, including treatments usually only available in hospital. Operating 24/7, the charity answers four calls for help a day on average, treating around 900 patients in life-threatening emergencies every year. Magpas Air Ambulance serves the communities of Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire and across the East of England and are dispatched by both the East of England and the East Midlands Ambulance Service Trusts – caring for a population of over 10 million. The charity was formed in 1971 by two doctors. Their idea was to quickly bring doctors to the scene of serious road traffic collisions to improve patients’ chances of survival and reduce the impact of their injuries – an idea which remains at the heart of the service today. Now, the Magpas advanced medical team combines the skills of a senior doctor and critical care paramedic on every shift. All members of the team are specially trained in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM), and support the ambulance service by bringing advanced medical care directly to their patients side when time is of the essence.
Magpas Air Ambulance relies on generous public donations to continue saving lives. www.magpas.org.uk
Fundraising Target minimum £250 per participant. Each participant will receive a fundraising pack and Free Magpas t-shirt.