Hi all, its that time again. Your BPA memebrship needs to be renewed by 31st March 2015. You can renew online (Click Here) providing you fill the following criteria:
The BPA online membership facility is available for:
- Full members in the UK & Channel Islands or at a BFPO postal address to update their contact details (postal address, telephone/mobile, e-mail)
- Full members aged 18 or over in the UK & Channel Islands or at a BFPO postal address who do not hold ratings* may renew online for the membership year 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016
* ‘ratings’ include instructors, riggers, packers, pilots – and any other rating that has to be ‘signed off’
If you need a BPA F101 Renewal form (Click Here)
UK Parachuting membership is also required, this also runs from 1st April 2015 at a cost of just £20. You will also need to complete a new declaration form (Click Here)
Once you have your new BPA membership card don’t wait until the 1st April to show the guys on manifest get in early and avoid the rush.
Happy jumping for 2015
Grant Richards